Bruno TAUT
(1880 – 1938)
German architect and urban planner. As a representative of New Building, he became known primarily for the large housing estates in Berlin-Britz and Berlin-Zehlendorf. In 2008 Traut´s “Modernist Housing Estates” in Berlin was recognized as a “UNESCO World Heritage Site” | 1880 born in Königsberg / former capital East Prussia | 1931 member of the “Prussian Academy of Arts”, Berlin | 1933 emigration to Japan; meets Antonin RAYMOND; visits Kyôto and writes extensively about the architectural features of the Katsura Imperial Villa; creates own object in Atami City; becomes friend with YOSHIDA Tetsurô | 1936 emigrates to Turkey | 1937 publishes “Das japanische Haus und sein Leben”, still considered as a standard work for understanding Japan’s architectural history | 1938 died in Istanbul / Turkey
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