Frank Lloyd WRIGHT

(1867 – 1959)

U.S. American architect, interior designer, writer and art dealer who was concerned with an organic connection of architecture with the various elements of art, nature and the human spheres of life. Along with LE CORBUSIER, MIES VAN DER ROHE and Walter GROPIUS he is known as one of the “four great masters of modern architecture” | 1867 born in Wisconsin / USA | 1893 founds own company | 1905 first journey to Asia and Japan | 1916-23 builts the “Imperial Hotel” in Tôkyô, assisted by Antonin RAYMOND | 1922 opens office in Los Angeles | 1923 Imperial Hotel survives the Kantô earthquake | 1927 builts the Myônichikan (“House of Tomorrow”), assisted by ENDÔ Arata | 1955 receives an honorary doctorate of fine arts from the “University of Wisconsin–Madison” | 1959 died in Phoenix / USA

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