(1912 – 2006)
American architect who designed several high-profile buildings around the world | 1912 born in Birmingham, Alabama | 1934 graduates in architecture from “Georgia Institute of Technology”, Atlanta | 1935 “Harvard University Graduate School of Design”, Cambridge | 1936 top athlete and candidate for the Olympics, but unable to compete due to an Achilles tendon injury | 1935-43 works as a designer and draftsman | 1940 assistant of Walter GROPIUS | 1949 founds “Stubbins Association” | 1957 elected to the “American Academy of Arts and Sciences”; builts Congress Hall Berlin (nicknamed “pregnant oyster”) | 1974 becomes member of the “National Academy of Design” in New York | 1993 completes “Landmark Tower” in Yokohama | 2006 died in Cambridge, Massachusetts
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